Okay . . . in following my promise to NOT be the Debbie Downer of the internet, I wanted to do my 1st Book Review! Unstuffed by Ruth Soukup. Have you read it? I have told everyone about this book! The ladies that work at Party Bazaar were so kind to let me tell them all about it last week, and even acted interested! Thanks girls!

This book is divided into three parts: Home, Mind, Soul. I loved all three parts, but felt so convicted reading the Home and Soul portions. This book tells you what you already know, but words it in a way that triggers something inside of you. In fact, I wish that I had read this a few years ago. In 2005, Reid and I bought our first little house. It was the two of us, plus two big dogs, in 1500 square feet. Perfect starter home. Fast forward ten years, we were still in the same house, still had the same dogs, and had then added two kids! I have no idea how we lived with probably 3,000 square feet of STUFF in 1500 square feet. I spent entirely too much money at Target and Container Store trying to organize the massive amounts of stuff during that time.

So . . . I don’t want to give away all of her amazing thoughts, but here are a few things I took away.


This portion was extremely convicting for me. I used to be the girl that saved every movie ticket from every date Reid and I went on. Stuffing things into a small house can make you realize what truly is needed (sometimes!), so I have gotten better over the years. Here are a couple of points that hit home for me.

  • Make your bed every day. I am aware that most of you are doing this on a daily basis, but I had just gotten out of the habit. My kids make their beds everyday (okay, most days!). But, with running around in the morning, and then life happens, and the next thing you know it is bedtime, and it never happened. The day that I started to make it everyday, no matter what was going on, I felt a since of relief. Walking in and out of a room that just looks messy (we may have 17 pillows for the bed that were thrown about the room) was kind of a buzz kill. Hey, if I can spend a minute or two in the morning making myself feel accomplished in some way, I am on it!
  • Teaching kids the value of money. My kids are so blessed with three sets of grandparents that love them and love to spoil them. Add holidays, birthdays, and sweet family friends that offer treats, and you have a ton of STUFF! I am guilty of spoiling kids around me too, so I may have contributed to some of YOUR stuff! But, when you have kids, the stuff just keeps coming! This section of the book works through this issue, and how to manage the stuff. Along with teaching kids that this money comes from work, and stuff comes from work. I think my youngest thinks we must own Target because he asks to go there a few times a week to look at the toys. Seriously. It is a problem that we are managing. My kids are very fortunate, and I need to do a MUCH BETTER job of managing the stuff. She offers some great tips and resources. Getting better at this is definitely a goal of mine for 2018.


In today’s society, this section of the book will speak to everyone. Finding balance in a world of so many commitments is difficult. Especially as women that try to wear so many different hats throughout the week. I typically feel like I am good at saying “no”, and not saying “yes” to everything asked of me. And, then I look at my calendar. Yikes!


This was my favorite section, and man, do I think it was written for me! I am amazing at throwing up walls and being done with certain situations or people that, I feel, have done me wrong. I can easily walk away. This section discussed God’s grace for us, and how we should give that grace freely to others. She shares some beautiful thoughts about how to “unstuff” your soul and give yourself a break. My husband loves to tell me that I am too hard on myself. And, if I’m honest, I guess he is right! This section had me in tears, and reaching for my pen to highlight her amazing insight!

This book is awesome! If any of you are feeling overwhelmed with a current situation, or just with life, I HIGHLY recommend it!
Have a great day! XO

~ Shawna
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