Ladies & Gentlemen . . . I would like to make an announcement that I BEAT MY HUSBAND IN A BET! Thank you, thank you!

Let me give you a little background . . . over the last 18 months, my body has been through the ringer.  Two pregnancies (1 to 5 months, 1 to 3 months), depression and grief, and massive hormonal changes will do that to a girl.  I lost the baby weight from 2017, but I really never got back to where I wanted to be.  I blame my love of wine, Mexican food, and Fritos.  After the miserable summer of 2017, Reid and I partied it up during the summer of 2018.  To say that we ate and drank our way through June, July and August would not be an exaggeration!

While in Laguna in early August, we started talking about both getting our diets back in check.  Please note that this conversation was had while I was sitting on a beach, drinking wine and eating Fritos.  Eating badly just makes you feel rough, and we were both tired of feeling tired!  In true Beucler fashion, we made a bet.  Starting Monday August 13th through Sunday, September 30th . . . biggest percentage of weight loss won.  Now, Reid is an entire foot taller than me so the percentage loss was the way to go.  And, he is a guy.  Guys can lose weight by saying a quick prayer.  Reid once lost 9 pounds over night.  True story.  We shook hands and clanged our classy red solo cups full of wine, and the bet was on.  Lots of trashing talking ensued, and lots of research as to what plan I would utilize.

The weigh-in was yesterday morning, and I AM THE WINNER!!!!!  Woohoo! I’m not going to share our percentages or weight loss, but just know that I won! I truly believe that I won by joining the program called FASTer Way To Fat Loss.  I have had MANY weight ups and downs the last couple of years.  This program is the ONLY thing that has helped me be consistent, helped my will power, kept up my energy, and let me see results!  It is amazing, and I would love to share it with all of you! And, as Reid says, I managed to find a workout/food program that doesn’t make me give up wine OR coffee! Score!

Here are the basics of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program:
*Let me FIRST say that Amanda (the founder of this awesome program) would probably kill me for mentioning weight loss.  She is very clear that she doesn’t want anyone to be weighing themselves throughout the program.  This is about FAT loss.  You are eating healthy and working out, so think losing inches, not weight.  I won’t be as concerned with weight loss moving forward after winning this bet!!

*This is a 7-week program: 1 Prep week to figure it all out, and 6 weeks of the actual program

*Food: It is Macro-based.  50% carbs, 30% fats, 20% proteins.  On August 13th, I had NO IDEA what the heck a macro was, and I am still very much a work in progress.  I can still eat all of my yummy favorites, but this is just a new way of viewing food. It was quite the learning curve for me the first couple of weeks, and several times I totally blew it.  But, now that I have gotten it down, I love it.

*Intermittent FASTing: This is AWESOME! There are so many new studies discussing the benefits of intermittent fasting, and this program really centers around that.  During this program, I ended up eating for either an 8 hour window or a 10 hour window.  Depending on the day. I thought I would be “hangry” and miserable, but I LOVED IT! The key was for me to still have my early morning coffee.  Because, let’s be honest, I would not have survived.

*Workouts: Five days a week, the program gives you a daily workout (you get Friday and Sunday off).  Depending on your fitness level and current life situation, you can choose either “Gym”, “At Home”, or “Beginner”.  I did “At Home”, but sometimes wished I had started with “Beginner”.  Amanda KICKED MY BOOTY! But, I can now run actual sprints without feeling like I am going to die.  I can do MULTIPLE push ups in a row.  The real kind, not the girl kind! I feel stronger, and I have more energy.  Truthfully, I kind of slacked on the workouts the last week, but I am looking forward to becoming more consistent moving forward.  With my boys getting bigger, I need to be more concentrated on keeping up with them versus being a size 2.  Which I am not! It was fun to type that though.  Ha!

The next round of the program begins on October 15th, and I have already joined as a returning client.  I would LOVE for y’all to join with me! Because I love this program so much, and because the founder of this program is awesome, Lunchbox Babies is now an affiliate partner of the FASTer Way To Fat Loss! Woohoo! If you want to join this round (or ANY round in the future), click on this link: FASTer Way To Fat Loss with Lunchbox Babies!

Once you sign up, send your confirmation email to  I will get a fun group started offline, and we can swap recipes, encourage each other, etc.

I really can’t say enough about the FASTer Way To Fat Loss.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  XOXO

~ Shawna
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