Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! I have a fun Friday Favorites post for you.  Here is to hoping that everyone has a great weekend, and that the fall weather starts coming our way! It felt like 107 in Dallas yesterday afternoon! Yikes!


Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan

Y’all.  Thank you to the many women that reached out to me on Tuesday (and ever since!) to tell me that I was just being silly to not fully commit to Crazy Rich Asians.  Ladies . . . I considered it my summer homework reading material.  And, thanks to very little sleep, our last lazy week of summer, and a long wait at the oral surgeon’s office for a check up (yes, I am still numb), I have finished this book.  It was so fun!  The story is about a sweet couple, Nick and Rachel.  Having the summer off from their teaching gigs at NYU, Nick convinces Rachel to spend the summer with him in his childhood home country: Singapore.  The characters in this story are outrageous, and it was just so fun to have this easy read for “my” last week of summer.  Thanks to all of you that convinced me that I needed to read it.  Click here to grab a copy for yourself! I actually just ordered the 2nd book of the trilogy to start this weekend!


It Cosmetics CC+ cream

Please do yourself a favor, and click here to order this for yourself.  Immediately! I grabbed this little nugget randomly one day on my way to check out at Ulta.  You know that point of sale area as you enter the check out line? The one that calls my name and tries to convince me I need to throw something else into my bag? Does that happen to anyone else? Well, I grabbed this a few weeks ago, and I fell in love. I am a lover of make up, but this has been pretty much the only thing I have used on my face for the last month.  Unless I want to look a little sassier for a fun date night, I just put this on and go.  Not only is it a cc cream, but it has 50+ SPF, and an anti-aging hydrating serum.  Not to say that I could grace the cover of Vogue after applying this magic potion, but my freckles and those nasty sun spots are less noticeable, and I am not getting that “summer, dry skin” feeling midway through the day.  I was becoming used to my dry, summer skin before this.  It is my new obsession! Woohoo! Such a Friday Favorite!



Trader Joe’s Riced Cauliflower Stir Fry

Thanks to my best friend for introducing me to the Seersuckers and Saddles blog because she in turn introduced me to the one, the only, Cauliflower Rice from Trader Joe’s.  Y’all.  I am loving this stuff.  The entire bag is around 200 calories.  If you were to eat the entire bag.  Which I have.  Twice.  But, it is so healthy, so light, and even Reid likes it! Big win for me on that! I will say that while the directions say to cook with 2 Tablespoons of oil, I would suggest only using 1 Tablespoon.  Makes it lighter and less oily! I have added tamari, shrimp, or a fried egg.  I am actually made this last night to go along with dinner.  Yummy!  Check it out next time you are near a Trader Joe’s.  In the freezer area.




I LOVE COLLEGE FOOTBALL!  Those of you that know me, or have been a reader for awhile, know that I went to Southern Methodist University (SMU in Dallas) and Reid went to Texas Christian University (TCU in Fort Worth).  They have always been rivals in sporting events.  And, since Reid and I are EXTREMELY competitive people, we talk trash for DAYS leading up to the annual SMU/TCU football game.  In the last seven years, SMU has won once.  However, that does not stop my trash talking.  You have to have school pride . . . am I right? Today marks 21 days until this year’s big showdown.  Reid has brainwashed my children into worshiping all things TCU (lots of purple in my house!), so it is just me over here.  I have three weeks to start making my case as to how the Mustangs will pull out a win.  And, it is extra special this year since Reid’s youngest brother is a freshman on the TCU football team.  This is my one chance to route against him, and then I will wear purple for the rest of the season! Pony Up!

Have the best weekend! My crew starts back to school next Wednesday, which I am half excited about and half sad about.  But, I am looking forward to having more time to work on this blog and meet more of you! Some very exciting things coming up! XO

~ Shawna
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