Lazy Summer Days are the best!

Y’all . . . I LOVE SUMMER! Can anyone tell me how it got to be mid-July? I am definitely hankering for cooler days and college football, but I am enjoying the lazy days of summer so much.  And, lazy days for me mean that I am putting in about zero effort into my appearance 85% of the time.  When I leave the house, I usually say a prayer that I don’t see anyone that I know.  I am rocking the no make-up, greasy hair under a baseball hat, and mis-matched workout clothes look.  It has been half embarrassing, half amazing! Reid, however, is probably very ready for the normal Shawna to return.  Ha!  I’ve got one more month of this left!!  If you see someone smiling in Target under a Boston Red Sox baseball hat, drinking coffee, and roaming the aisles, come say hi since it is probably me.  😊

I also love the major lack of TV in the summer.  Reid and I have tried several new Netflix shows, and have chosen to just catch up on movies instead.  I can’t get into these shows that are filmed so dark.  And, not talking about subject matter, which is a whole other issue.  I mean, has anyone seen Ozark and House of Cards? Are there light switches someone can turn on in the houses? Give me some light, people.  I think the only thing we are watching is America’s Got Talent.  Does anyone else cry when the golden buzzer gets hit? Ugh! Amazing!


SO . . . Thanks to everyone who joined this little community over the week and entered to win the $150 Nordstrom gift card.  So . . . the winner is . . . Lacie Grissom (@laciegrissom)! Congratulations Lacie! Be on the lookout for a message from me today, and I will get you that gift card ASAP! I know that you have some shopping to do! 😊


Ok . . . have y’all ever heard of Melanie Shankle? She is an author, blogger, speaker, mom.  I have read Sparkly Green Earrings, and LOVED IT!  Short chapters and relatable stories about life.  She also has a blog, which I have never read.  I have been told that this is shocking information, and I am going to start reading it this week!  Knowing how much I love an easy devotional, a friend recommended Everyday Holy.  It has been so wonderful, and I wanted to share it with you today! Everyday Holy is Melanie’s first book in this genre, it has 100 devotions, and each one is written like she is a dear friend just having a conversation with you.  I am a big fan of having a minister or devotional coming down to my level, telling stories that are relatable, and making the lesson applicable to all of us. This book does just that!

So, I have been having a rather insane week.  If you are a regular reader, you know that I had dental surgery last Thursday.  Well, in 1% of all dental implant surgeries, a nerve can be bruised, and numbness continues beyond 24 hours after the procedure.  Since I am such an overachiever, I am in the 1%.  The lower left portion of my lip, chin, gums, and teeth are still numb.  I have been on some pretty strong steroids trying to heal the nerve, and I have been told that 99% of the time, the feeling comes back completely and life returns to normal.  It will just take time, like weeks or months.  Now, I try to be a patient person, but this past week has not been the best for the ol’ patience.  On Monday, after another appointment with the oral surgeon where he didn’t have a miracle fix for me, I was in the depths of fear and worry.  I grabbed my Everyday Holy, and read the first day’s devotional again.  Wow, friends.  Melanie lays down the truth.  It was convicting, it was beautiful, and it was a quick read.  It also made me feel at peace.  She has a gift in sharing God’s word.

We all have times of fear and worry.  You may not currently have Kylie Jenner’s lips and you are able to have more than soft foods (lucky!), but we all have our own issues.  If you are looking for a great devotional, one that will lift you out of that fog . . . even momentarily . . . you need this book. Click here to get this book.  It would also make a GREAT gift for everyone in your life.

And . . . again CONGRATULATIONS to Lacie for winning the $150 Nordstrom gift card! Enjoy!!!  And, just because the following meme makes me happy, I am including it for no reason besides it is the truth.


See y’all next week! XO

~ Shawna
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