The Toothless Wonder

Hi friends! We are back from Nags Head, North Carolina and had THE best time! I may have over posted a bit on social media, so make sure to check out my Lunchbox Babies Instagram account. I read two amazing books over my trip, and will be reviewing them shortly.  I am on a very big Gone Girl/suspense kick right now, and I found some good ones!!  The Outer Banks is just a beautiful place.  I highly recommend going.  The view is spectacular!



For the last few months, Reid and I have jokingly called Jackson our “Toothless Wonder”.  Please see the picture below for proof . . .

He lost 4 teeth in the span of a few weeks, and he has two more wiggly teeth.  The tooth fairy is poor at the Beucler house!

So . . . super fun fact about me.  I have a baby tooth.  Yes, I am 41 and still am rocking a baby tooth.  No permanent tooth ever formed, so it was never a big deal.  Until recently.  A couple of years ago, a newly graduated dentist – we will call her Doogie because I think she was 12 – kindly told me that I was a “unicorn”.  Apparently in dentist speak, being a unicorn means that you have never had a a cavity, had braces, etc.  I have no idea if this term is used outside of her, but I took it an ran.  Lots of bragging was done on my part.  Fast forward a year, and the problems began.  There is a theory out there (which I discovered during my “extensive” Google search) that pregnancy hormones and increased blood flow can cause gum and teeth issues.  I have no idea if my spending 2/3 of 2017 on and off pregnant aggravated this issue, but it is time for something to be done.  I really like my dentist, but I HATE going to the dentist.  I go between this . . .

And this . . .

So, today, at 9:30, I will be having a little oral surgery.  They are removing my baby tooth, digging out the infection (sorry if you are eating breakfast!), and putting in an implant.  For the next three months, I WILL HAVE A HOLE IN MY MOUTH. You should read that last sentence again.  I am becoming the “Toothless Wonder” in the Beucler house.  They tell me that they will put a “small man hole cover” over the implant, which can only look amazing in pictures for the next few months.

I am sure that it will go great, and I will be enjoying a very nice anesthesia nap for the afternoon.  However, I am a bit vain and I don’t like pain.  But, I am pushing through.  Please send some prayers my way around 9:30am, if you think about it.  Oh, and if you know Reid, make sure he is aware that I am fully expecting the tooth fairy to show up!

Y’all have a great weekend! And, go to the dentist for a check up! XO

~ Shawna
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