I will survive…

Okay, I must admit that I cried when I published my 1st Entry. WOW!
Seriously, no one may ever read this blog, but just so emotional to have something tug at your heart for so many years, and then actually make that jump. WOW!

I love music! Love to dance, love to sing. I have a HORRIBLE knowledge of music. Several people close to me would agree. “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor has always been a favorite. (You should know I googled that just to make sure I had the right artist. Horrible music knowledge!) I’m sure that many of you have also danced late night to this song at a college party, wedding reception, or on a girl’s trip. Its just fun! Unfortunately, it is as you get older, you realize that it is more than a song. It is a mantra. In hard times, I WILL SURVIVE. Some people don’t, and some people cave. I have no idea what about a person makes them go one way or another, but I always wanted to fight. I love the quote: “She’s Strong, but she’s exhausted”. I relate. Very much so!

I wanted to start this blog to share my story in hopes that it helps others, and can build a community of women helping women. It doesn’t matter what issues you are facing, it can feel lonely, and an outlet (and some wine!) is always nice.

For me, getting pregnant was a miracle. I am blessed with two healthy boys, and am very thankful. My infertility journey was on and off for the better part of a decade. Lots of sweet babies in heaven after nine miscarriages. They were all hard, some more than others. I would say the worst was a surprise pregnancy last year that turned into me delivering our sweet Sophie at five months. We had another surprise pregnancy after that, but lost a sweet boy at three months. Needless to say, 2017 sucked. And, the shop is officially closed! Too much heartbreak. I am so thankful for the children God has blessed me with.

All of our paths are different. Unfortunately, I know several women that have experienced miscarriages. It is something you can’t understand unless you’ve been through it. If you are reading this, and have experienced that pain, I am so sorry.

Now, infertility is a beast of its own. I know so, so, SO many women that have experienced infertility. What is up with that? Studies say that 10% of the US population deals with infertility. I think I may know all 10%.

I have found one commonality among those of us dealing with miscarriages or infertility. We don’t talk about it. We bury it inside, and don’t share. In planning for this blog, I have talked to so many amazing women about their stories. There are always tears, and always discussions about how they don’t usually share. As women, we try so hard to survive, that we end up holding in such an emotional portion of who we are.

There are so many of us that struggle with infertility as we have a desperate desire to be a mom. Over the years, some high profile celebrities have shared their stories, and I have so enjoyed the concept of infertility being something that is not taboo. But still, being in it, no matter how many A-list celebrities have dealt with infertility, if you are living it, you can feel alone, sad, and all together depressed with this turn that your live has taken. My hope is to make you smile. You may be at the beginning of your journey, you may be on your fifth IVF transfer, or you may be at the place where you have maxed out your credit cards on treatments and don’t know where else to go. As women, we need to support each other, to love on each other, and to offer hope.


~ Shawna
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