National Infertility Awareness Week

Happy Thursday, friends!

Before we get started today, I want to include a link to Heather Lobe Johnson’s Freedom Stories where I wrote something back during NIAW 2019. Heather believes in the message of freedom for women so much, that each Friday, she showcases different women that have inspiring stories. Women that have experienced pain and heartbreak, but have come out on the other side through their faith in God. I love how Heather uses her Freedom Stories to have women open up and harness their stories to bring hope and healing to others. Heather is such a gift.

My walk through infertility, and my multiple miscarriages were hard. Very hard. I am confident in saying that if I did not have my faith, I am not sure I would have made it through. I am on the other side of my journey with infertility and loss, and I am so thankful to have the freedom to share my story and to let other women know that they are not alone. Click here to read the post.

And, if you are new to Lunchbox Babies, click here to read more about my story. Or, you can click here to listen to my story on the Don’t Mom Alone podcast!


This year, National Infertility Awareness Week is from April 18th – 24th.
So, happy NIAW!!!

The goal of this week is raise awareness about infertility, to help couples with infertility deal with their situation, and to encourage lawmakers to fight for infertility insurance coverage.

GOAL #1: RAISE AWARENESS: To enhance public understanding that infertility needs and deserves attention.

Infertility is often misunderstood. I have been chatting with some women of the Lunchbox Babies community as I prepared posts for this week, and that is the overwhelming response . . . People don’t get it! If you are not walking the road of infertility, then it is very hard to understand! The goal of NIAW, and of this little blog, is to make infertility an issue that people aren’t ashamed to talk about. Infertility affects 1 in 8 couples. I guarantee that you ARE someone, or you KNOW someone that has experience with infertility

GOAL #2: ENCOURAGE THOSE DEALING WITH INFERTILITY: To ensure that people trying to build a family know the guidelines for seeing a specialist.

Infertility is lonely. Walking this road is like being a part of a sorority that you never wanted to join. National Infertility Awareness Week encourages those couples dealing with infertility to share their stories with friends and family. To open up their hearts and let people in on their journey. AND, to know when, how, and where to go see a specialist.


I have experienced both sides of the insurance issue. When trying to have Harlan, my amazing and LARGE consulting firm offered infertility insurance. I always say that in the year long process of trying to have Harlan, we spent about $50 out of pocket. Not much of an exaggeration!

Now, trying for a couple of years to have Jackson, well . . . I will have to be excused to go be sick if I think about how much we spent. I left my job to be a full time mom to Harlan, and that amazing insurance went away. And, newsflash . . . Infertility treatments are EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!

Infertility insurance is not available in all states! Increasing the availability of this coverage would be such a blessing to those struggling to start a family. Encourage your lawmakers on this subject!


During this National Infertility Awareness Week, SHARE your stories. I promise, your story will inspire others. I will start . . .

I have been an Infertility Warrior. I was the 1 in 8.
Tell me your story, and let me pray for you.

Okay . . . your turn! 

If you are new to Lunchbox Babies, or if you are new to your walk with infertility, please let me know. I would love to point you in the right direction of resources, support groups, and financial assistance that could help you along your dream to grow your family! XO

~ Shawna
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