What’s Up Wednesday?

Happy What’s Up Wednesday! This is the second time that I’ve linked up with Mix and Match Mama and Sheaffer Told Me To. This was so fun back in June that I think I may make this a fun, regular thing.

My biggest thing for What’s Up Wednesday?!?!?! Today is DAY 3 of school being back in session! Can I get an Amen? SOOOO much joy and happiness on Monday morning when I dropped these two cuties off. How do I have a 7th grader and a 4th grader? *cue mama tears


I have been diving back into my favorite, The Defined Dish Cookbook! I made enchiladas last night (no onions for the boys!) and am making Chicken Parm tonight. YUUUUM! But, I have to say that over the weekend I made one of Harlan’s favorite dishes . . . such a crowd pleaser. It’s my Whole30 Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin from Paleo Running Momma. So very tasty, and everyone in my house kills it.

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again . . . if you don’t follow Alex of The Defined Dish and Michele of Paleo Running Momma on Instagram, do that now! Great recipes!!


I was going to say Vail here. Because, I mean, it’s Vail. And, it is currently thirty degrees cooler than Dallas.

But, I think that I am going to be super honest and say that I am reminiscing about a time when my kids didn’t need to wear a mask or gaiter to go to school. I am SOOOOOOOOO fortunate that my children are in school, learning from their teachers in person. However, it makes me so sad that we are living in a time that my 12 year old and nine year old have to hide their smiles under a mask.

I am a huge believer that (a) we all need to work together to get Covid-19 under control and then gone forever, and (b) everyone is doing the best that they can to protect their family and their own situation.

I’m being super positive over here, and talking a lot with the boys about “rolling with the punches” and how we all can do hard things. But, I have to say it makes me sad. PRAYING on a daily basis that we get Covid-19 under control, and are able to go back to a normal life without my little guys wearing a mask on a daily basis.


My kids being back in school! WOOOOOHOOOOO! Did I add enough O’s to the Woohoo?

Our school is only going to noon for a couple of weeks, and Fridays will be distance learning. BUT . . . 8-noon starting Monday of this week has been a DREAM after 165 days of no school in person.

Just on Monday and Tuesday, I have been to Target, Tom Thumb, Trader Joes, UPS, a DRs appointment, a pilates class, done some work . . . I mean, I could go on.

Now, I could TOTALLY get used to my kids getting out at Noon. That is awesome. Just give me 8am – noon, and I’m a happy girl!


We have been putting!!!!

After some major research, we have put a putting green in our back yard! Let’s just say that my backyard has always been my happy place. And, now it is Jackson’s happy place as well! It was finished on Saturday afternoon, and the boys are out there every single day playing and practicing. It is just a novelty for Harlan, that I am sure will wear off. But, Jackson is obsessed. The last two days, he has gotten ready super early for school so that he can go work on his putting before we have to leave. Love this!

Also . . . we currently have an ongoing family putting contest going on. I would like to announce that I am not in last place. Thank you!


The fact that our Fall weather won’t hit us until at least October! Boo!

I grew up in Texas, and our hottest months were always July and August. Over the last several years, that has somehow moved to August and September. Right when you think it is about to get cooler – BAM! – another round of 100 plus degree days.

In my mind, I am sitting outside making smores for my kids while not sweating away five pounds. Ready for a little 65 degree goodness!


The August Book Review!!!! My goal was to publish that on Friday, but think I may wait until Monday. I have some great books this month, and can’t wait to share them with you!!

Also, I’m working on getting my head back in the game with what day it is. I legit keep messing up the date and days of the week. This is what happens when you have been home for six months, people! I will get there!


So much. The weekend, college football, Dallas Mavericks, teachers teaching my students. All of it.


After watching a few episodes of Yellowstone by himself, Reid finally convinced me that I needed to watch it as well! We just finished the 1st season, so we are super behind! I heard that the third season just ended?

If you haven’t watched this show, and you love a good family drama, I recommend it. So far. I just started, but I know I will love it because . . .

  1. I love Kevin Costner. Love him. He has never been in a bad movie. Even Waterworld. I’m the only living person that liked that movie, so I am clearly the president of his fan club.
  2. The character of Beth Dutton is quite possibly my new favorite character on TV. To be a sassy and strong female in a male-centric environment is so wonderful to see. She may be my spirit animal. Without all of the bad stuff that it appears she gets into.


At the moment? My boys watching a Dude Perfect episode in the other room. It’s called an obsession, y’all. Just thankful they are obsessed with great role models.


Not workout clothes. I know. Don’t be shocked. Trying to get my act together over here a bit more now that life seems to slowly be getting back to normal. Schedule wise, at least. Of course, I just got these new Zella pants delivered from the Nordstrom Sale, and plan on living in these all day tomorrow. So, you know, baby steps.

Anyone else shop the Nordstrom Sale?


A whole lot of NOTHING! And, I am very excited! After a full week of school, I am looking forward to huddling up with my crew and just relaxing before sports truly start back in full swing. Jackson and Reid are golfing on Saturday morning, which means Harlan and I get another date at Top Golf together. Second weekend in a row, and I am enjoying our little dates. He will be 13 in a couple of months, so I am hanging onto these mama dates as long as possible!


FRIENDS!!!!!!!! The biggest and best college football game for the Beucler crew is the SMU/TCU game each year. I went to SMU, Reid went to TCU. Lots of trash talk goes on, and then TCU usually wins. In the last nine years, SMU has only won two times. Last year was one of those times, so I am riding high over here.

After initially getting cancelled due to the Covid, the game has been rescheduled for September 12th. I had a mild freak out when I learned that little piece of news.

To add to the excitement? My sweet brother-in-law is currently the back-up quarterback for TCU.

I plan on being fully dressed out for SMU, but have been given one of his old jerseys should he get in to play.

While I LOOOOOVE SMU, and totally want them to win . . . well, this year, I get to go family over school. So proud of our sweet Grant, and hope he gets to play!


I discovered yesterday that Fall has arrived at Target! Ceramic pumpkins everywhere. I was so happy that I stopped my cart, and took a picture. To me, ceramic pumpkins equal me in a sweatshirt and saying things like “should we sit by the fire?” rather than “I need to put shorts on before I melt.” I love the Fall. My very favorite season.

ALSO . . . remember this shirt from last week?

This shirt cracks me up!

Well, Monday is the day, y’all! The day where Reid and I end our little health kick bet. We are basing it on a percentage of weight loss. I think we started sometime in mid-July, or maybe last year. No clue, but it feels like it has been going on forever.

In any case, we are weighing in on Monday morning. Reid has been doing really well, so I have no clue what will happen. I usually win these competitions, but this year is up in the air. REALLY hoping I win so that I can take a picture of him in this shirt! HAHAHA!


Have a happy Wednesday! XO

~ Shawna
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