Friday Favorites: Back to School

It’s Friday! Woohoo!

This is also the 24th Friday in a row that my kids haven’t been in school. Yes, I counted.

But, today, is the last Friday before my kids go back to school. Into the building where teachers actually teach. It’s happening, friends!

Our “six months of summer” is coming to an end over here at the Beucler House.

And, I have to say that I have mixed emotions.

It is TIME for us to be back to our routine! Being up, fed, dressed, and at school by an 8am start time is going to rock our world for several days, but it needs to happen.

Teachers are AMAZING! Our school did a wonderful job last Spring with assisting us in distance learning in the midst of the Covid-19 craziness. And, I am so thankful that our teachers are ready to have the kids back in school, learning in person.

But, I have to say that I am going to miss my sweet boys with me every day.

The last six months have brought so many changes with them, and I have been blessed to be there for every single one of them. They both have grown so much!

And, just the time to stop the running around craziness, and just sit with your kiddos. Snuggle them. Run in the backyard with them. And, just be in the moment. That is something that I have loved about all of this.

Yes, there have been hard moments. But, I have loved this time.

And, with them in school for the first time in six months, there are some big decisions that I have to make for my own personal work. No more “the kids are home with me” excuses. Some big decisions coming up, and quite frankly, I am a little scared. I feel like I am jumping off that cliff again.

So, mixed emotions, friends. I am sure that several of you are there with me.

I know that many of you have kids starting to school as well. Both virtually and in person. Praying that all of you and your crew stay safe and healthy!

And, hoping that we can all get through our mixed emotions together.

If you need me this weekend, I will be soaking up ALL of the minutes snuggling with my kiddos. And, possibly crying over how cute these precious pictures are! I mean, where has the time gone?!?!?!

Happy weekend, friends! XO

~ Shawna
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