Friday Favorites: Colorado

Oh Colorado. How I love you. More specifically, Vail. One of our happy places.

Back in 2017, after we had lost Sophie, Reid & I knew that we needed to get away. Just the two of us. We did our research, and then decided to spend a long weekend in Vail, Colorado. We were SO excited. Two weeks before our trip, we found out that I was pregnant AGAIN! So, we headed to Vail with me newly having lost a baby and now being eight weeks pregnant. My head wasn’t in the best place at the time, and Vail gave us both a place of peace, relaxation, and perspective. We loved it.

Last Fall, Reid surprised me with a trip back to Vail for our 15th wedding anniversary, and it was even better the second time around. Not being pregnant helped quite a bit on that one.

So this year, with all of the craziness, we decided to cancel a summer vacation that was in a location that was not the safest. Covid-19 speaking. Instead, after some research, we decided to introduce the boys to Vail!! WOOHOO! We spent 19 days in Vail in July/August, and I have to say it was amazing. Life-changing for the boys, if I can be super dramatic.

Yes, I missed my beach time. But, I ended up getting amazing family time in the mountains.

SOOOOO many of you have asked about the travel, if we felt safe, and how everyone handled the restrictions. I will do a Instagram Live today over on my Lunchbox Babies Instagram page about all of that, so check that out. Spoiler Alert: We felt extremely safe the entire time and everyone has stayed healthy!

But, today . . . we’ve been home just over a week, and our summer trip to Vail was DEFINITELY my Friday Favorite of the week. Really, of the year. So, excuse a major picture overload today. 😊

Masks were obviously a big thing in Vail as everyone continues to keep themselves and others safe. In Colorado, you have to wear masks in indoor spaces. Outside they don’t have to be worn unless you are less than six feet apart. Lots of masks, but still lots of fun!

We referred to our daily game in the lobby as “Corona Chess”. Its amazing how resilient kids can be, and how the masks are just an extension of them.

And, then of course the signs around Vail were hilarious! One of my favorites . . .

One of the boys’ MAJOR favorites from our trip was meeting Coby Cotton from Dude Perfect. Have you heard of Dude Perfect? They are a group of five best friends that do a ton of trick shots, hilarious videos, and just overall fun, kid-centric craziness! My boys are obsessed. And, then to meet one at the pool in Vail? Let me just say STAR STRUCK! Coby was so kind, patient, and sweet with the kids. Dude Perfect fans for life over here!

So many amazing outside activities in Colorado, and we made sure to do as many as possible. I have become a HUGE fan of sweating my booty off while climbing a mountain, and then enjoying the payoff of the view from the top. God has done some AMAZING things with the scenery up in the mountains.

The only outdoor activity that I was not 100% sold on was white water rafting. I mean, the time we were actually in the rapids was a BLAST. But, then there was a lot of floating. A lot. Oh, and some manual labor. At one point, I actually thought to myself that “this is the worst thing I have every done.” Slightly dramatic? Maybe. But, it was long and I could have used some snacks. Or possibly some wine. But, glad that we can say we did it. Truly a fun experience, and hey – we have this picture now, which is priceless!

Don’t tell Reid about this portion of the blog! He LOOOOOOVED the entire thing. I think watching my boys float down Gore Creek is more my style. I had snacks, so clearly that is where my heart is.

So, while Reid continued enjoying life with his golfing buddy . . .

I discovered that my oldest is now my official hiking buddy!

Two things here:

  1. Apparently in high altitude, the golf ball travels higher and farther? Basically, Jackson is planning a move to Vail so that his golf game is better.
  2. Hiking in the mountains of Colorado is serious business. There is no such thing as an easy hike. Our favorite was a 3 mile hike that went up 2300 feet of elevation. We managed to do it in an hour and 20 minutes. It was AWESOME, and Harlan and I spent the rest of our trip continually patting each other on the back for succeeding!

One the best parts of our trip is that SO many people we love were in Vail as well. No one planned their trips to be there with the other, but it worked out perfectly for us! We love our people! And, several of them we love that managed to get out of a picture. 😊

Such a FUN Friday Favorite. Thank you for indulging me here with all of the pictures! If you need ANY recommendations for Vail Village and surrounding areas, I am your girl. I’m happy to send you all of the info.

Some quick recommendations . . .

Hikes: Booth Falls, Booth Lake, Berry Picker, Upper Piney Lake Falls, Kinnickinnick, Meadow Loop

Mountain Standard (BEST Shrimp & Grits in all the world!)
El Segundo
The Remedy
La Bottega
Sweet Basil
Bol (I’m currently craving their fish tacos!)
Vail Chophouse (live music that is SO FUN on Wed-Sat from 4 – 7)

Already wishing we were back there again . . . this weekend the highs in Vail are 80. So, if you need me today, I will be dreaming about that while hanging out at the golf course with my little dude in the mid-100s.

And, for my last picture (I promise!) is from the #challengeaccepted fad that was going around while we were in Vail.

I had Harlan take this picture of me while we were hiking the Upper Piney Lake Trail, which is just below 9400 feet of elevation. He was SUPER annoyed with me that I had asked him to take this. And, he was SUPER weirded out with me when I told him during the picture I was smiling at the mountains. #preteen But, even though I smiled at the mountains in a totally weird habit thing of getting your picture taken, it is such a testimony of our trip. This part of the country is beauty. It is joy. It is such proof of God’s existence and love. We love Vail! 😊

Happy Friday, friends! Have the best weekend! XO

~ Shawna
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