Friday Favorites

Happy Friday AND Happy Valentines Day! Suuuuuuuuper happy that it is the weekend starting at noon today when my kiddos get an early release day. It has been super rainy and gross in Dallas this week, and the sunshine has finally returned.

Here is my VERY random mix of Friday Favorites today. Enjoy! XO


It’s Valentines Day! Woohoo! I know it is “manufactured holiday”, but I love it! When I was single, it was reason enough to have wine, be goofy, and hang out with great friends. And, now it so fun to spread the love a bit to the family on this day.

This picture is of Harlan’s door. I put one heart on their doors each morning from February 1st – 13th, and it says a different thing that I love about them each day. I started this several years ago after being inspired by a friend. This is SUPER easy (I get the packet of felt hearts at Target for $5), and the boys LOVE this. If I am late on a heart, I am made aware very quickly.

ALSO . . . I am pumped because Reid and I are actually going OUT to dinner tonight on a little date. I can’t tell you the last time we went out on Valentine’s Day. We love the holiday, but we don’t do gifts and sometimes remember a card. Easy breezy over here. But, yeah for date night.

Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all!


I know that I have mentioned Nutrafol before, but this truly is SUCH a Friday Favorite! I will chat more about this later in a future post, but 2019 was ROUGH for my hair. As in, I had a touch with male pattern baldness at one point. And, I am not kidding. I am moving back in the right direction now, and I truly believe that the Nutrafol is one of the main reasons why!

My dermatologist (also an amazing hair specialist) recommended this to me. There are two versions for women, and she has me on the one safe for older women. My shop is closed, so since no more chance of other babies, I can take this stronger version. Talk to your doctor to see what is best for you!

I buy mine through my dermatologist, but you can also find it on Amazon. If you are having hair issues, and have found something that works, let me know. Struggling with hair issues is NOT FUN, so we can discuss our issues together!


After a TON of research, we have finally decided to take the boys skiing for Spring Break! They have NEVER been. And, the last time we went was FIFTEEN years ago. Needless to say, that Reid and I are basically back to the beginner status once again.

My boys are PUMPED! As you can see, they have started trying on their new ski clothes and walking around the house until they start to sweat. #boymom

I know that so many of you do the whole skiing thing. Any suggestions? ANYTHING you could offer would be SO helpful. Comment on this post, message me, whatever! We are SO excited, but welcome your help!


Okay. I am OBSESSED with this show! Have you watched it? I mentioned it sometime in December, but I finally finished binge-watching ALL five seasons that are out on Netflix. Season six is out now, but I am waiting for the entire season to be ready to watch. Also, I don’t want this show to end. I have become very connected to all of the characters. And, I am not sure who I love more: Alexis or David.

Total binge-worthy recommendation if you don’t have any plans for this Valentine’s Day weekend! I suggest sitting on your couch with a glass or two of wine, and tuning it. You will love it!


That’s it for Friday Favorites! Happy Valentine’s Day, and have a wonderful weekend. XO

~ Shawna
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