You Will Be Okay

Thank you so much for all of the kind messages you have sent to me since my post on Monday. I was very raw and honest with my Monday Morning Confession post, and I was a bit overwhelmed as to the response. I love this community that we are building at Lunchbox Babies. From your messages, emails, and texts, I know that I am most certainly not alone. We will all be okay.

So, this post goes out to all of my friends out there that are currently walking the road of infertility and loss.

Those of you currently hanging out in your doctor’s waiting room waiting to check your levels, the size of your follicles, or both. Filled with hope for your future.

And, those of you that are struggling due to a recent miscarriage. Trying to survive and find meaning in the midst of the heartbreak.

Let me say this. Even if you don’t believe it right now. You will survive. You will be okay.

This Saturday, November 16th, marks the two year anniversary of my last D&C. It was my second loss within five months, and I did NOT handle it well. I was given valium just to calm myself from a nervous breakdown and not scare the other women in the surgical unit. I am completely serious. I was not mentally well. Too much heartbreak, and I cracked.

In 2017, November 16th fell on a Thursday. On Friday, I plastered a smile onto my face and spent several hours at my boys’ Grandparents Day performances. And, on Saturday, we started a week of entertaining for Thanksgiving. Life moved on. My heart stayed broken, but life moved on.

I look back on that day, and I see a woman struggling to catch her breath through the grief. And, I see a woman trying to survive. We decided after that last D&C to formally close up the shop and to walk away with our two miracle boys. I would be okay, and we would all heal moving forward.

And, I did. And, that is why I LOVE this quote.

I survived. I’m so very thankful that I am on the other side of all of this craziness. And, I am okay.

So, for all of you out there that are currently walking through the fire . . . you will be okay.

Find your people and let them love on you. Let you partner walk this road with you. Don’t try to go through this alone.

You will be okay.

If you need someone to talk to, come over here and hang out with me. I would love to be that person for you.

Much love to all of you out there that are currently living your own November 16th. Oh, sweet friends, you will be okay.


~ Shawna
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