Thursday Favorites

Happy Thursday, friends! I usually do “Favorite” posts on Fridays, but this week is a bit different for two reasons!

  1. Tomorrow is Good Friday, which is such an important day in my faith. The boys don’t have school, and we will be spending the day together. Lots of relaxing. AND . . .
  2. See Number ONE below. SUPER EXCITING!!!!!!!


Tomorrow morning at 9am, the boys and I go pick up our sweet Coal Stetson!!!! Coal has spent the last four weeks in a training program – or, as we like to call it – Camp! Coal is a VERY sweet puppy, but what was really cute when he was 10 pounds was no longer cute at 50 pounds. The bad habits just got a little out of hand, so our sweet Coal had to go to Camp. Dropping him off four weeks ago was HARD for my kiddos. Like, we had to cancel all sport practices for the night because two little munchkins were too emotional about their puppy dog leaving. Coal is very loved. AND . . . we get to see him tomorrow! WOOHOO!!! Now, Tank has gotten pretty comfy being the only dog in the house, but I am sure he will be pumped as well! Yeah!!!


The sweet, little private school that my boys go to celebrates Living History Days. Each grade has a different theme, and it is centered around what they are currently learning about at that time. The moms all work together to put these on, and while it is a ton of work, they are always great days for everyone!

Earlier in April, Harlan’s grade had Mesopotamia Day. So much fun! The kids spent the morning engaging in “Mesopotamia-activities”, and then spent the afternoon competing in an ancient Olympics game. Super quick note that the toga is extremely comfortable, although not the most flattering. These people knew how to dress for comfort! Love my little Spartan Warrior.

And, then yesterday, Jackson’s grade had Pioneer Day. Such a fun day. Square Dancing, Hay Rides, fun games, and more! Pioneer garb is not quite my jam, but how cute is this little Davy Crockett!?!?!


People . . . I have discovered the BEST new snack EVER! In trying to find a low-calorie, healthy snack, I grabbed a bag of Skinny Popcorn Mini Cakes over the weekend. Let me just say that these are AMAZING!!!! When I want to indulge, I go for either sweet or crunchy. These are BOTH! And, ten of these little mini cakes are only 60 calories! My new obsession is the Cinnamon and Sugar flavor, but they also come in Everything Bagel, Sea Salt, Sharp Cheddar, and Salted Carmel. All sound fabulous, but I am going to stick with my current flavor. I grabbed mine at Tom Thumb, but I also found them here at Amazon! Do yourself a favor, grab a bag, and then let me know how much you love them!


You guys know that I LOVE Faster Way To Fat Loss. I signed up for the 6 week program on August 13th of last year, and did it religiously through Thanksgiving. Then again from the first of the year through mid-February. And, then I took a break. This break gave me added pounds, clothes that didn’t fit, less energy, and poor sleep. Such proof that what you put into your mouth really dictates everything!

I started the new round on April 8th. So, I am 11 days in. Let me say that I am no longer bloated on a regular basis. My sugar cravings are MUCH less than they were. And clothes are already starting to fit a bit better. Why I took a break from this awesome program, I have no idea.

Somehow, I convinced Reid to do this with me as well! He is that guy that does Whole 30 “so well”, he is finished by Day 5. Just too restrictive for him. But, FWTFL lets you have coffee, wine, all of the things.

If you haven’t heard about Faster Way To Fat Loss, it centers around intermittent fasting (I am a well-known “hangry” person, and I love this!), counting macros (WAY easier than it sounds), and short workouts that you can do at home. Super easy, and it works! If you want more information, let me know! As you can see, I love chatting about it. Click here to learn more about the FWTFL program!


Y’all . . . set your calendars for April 29th. That is the Lunchbox Babies April Book Review Day! I am reading some GOOOOOOOOD books this month, and I can’t wait to share them with you!


Lots of fun favorites in today’s post! I pray that you all have a wonderful Easter weekend. And, if you have any questions about Easter and my faith, please reach out to me, and I would love to share with it with you. See everyone next week! XO

~ Shawna
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